
Brooklyn Flea in Philly and Mighty Quinns BBQ

Ever since we heard about the Brooklyn Flea coming to Philadelphia for the summer, we've been trying to get out there on a Sunday to check it out. Of course we would pick the hottest day of the summer (not really, but it sure felt like it). 

I love flea markets because there is always tons of interesting things to look at and looking at everything and wondering, Can I use this in my house? And if so, how? There were lots of vendors, mostly furniture and home goods, but a handful of clothing and jewelry ones too. I have a feeling it was a slower week than usual because of the Fourth of July holiday, so we're going to have to go back later in the summer and check it out again.

I wish I could say that we picked up some awesome things and totally scored at the flea market, but we didn't. Sometimes I'm just not in the mood to spend money. So for the most part, we just looked around and said, "this would be cool but we don't have anywhere to put it." 

After browsing for a bit, we became famished. Luckily, they have a good selection of food vendors standing by. I grabbed myself an iced coffee to cool down and Bry ordered up a brisket sandwich from Mighty Quinn's BBQ complete with picked veggies and slaw. 

This photo doesn't do it justice, the sandwich was huuuge and nearly impossible to pick up and eat like and actual sandwich so we dug in with a fork and knife. The meat was tender and moist and the bbq sauce was delicious. BryGuy wanted a little more smokey flavor in there and I could've stood for a little more vinegar in my pickled veggies, but all in all, it was really satisfying. 

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